Oliver Zach
Author of My Life

Released: 8 april, 2022


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On April 8, 2022, Oliver Zach is releasing his debut song “Author of My Life” with us at KMR Studios! It’s an energetic song about love that didn’t quite turn out as expected.

Oliver Zach talks about the lyrics, written as a love story based in a fairytale world. With the line “once upon a time” in his mind, Oliver Zach sat and played the guitar when he got the idea to start writing the new song. The chorus, which included that line, quickly fell into place, and based on it, he soon finished the entire song. To be precise, in just two days.

Oliver Zach describes the time in the studio and the recording as the most enjoyable part of the whole process – the joy of finally bringing the project from a demo to a finished song. The journey with the debut song has been special and joyful, and the artist describes it as a long-awaited goal that has finally come close.

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“I think the work with KMR Studios has worked very well. I’ve met nice people, and I feel we’ve worked well together and understood each other, not just in music but also on a personal level. I think it was good that we spent three consecutive days in the studio so that we could go through everything at once. I have nothing, in particular, that I think could be done better; I’ve been very comfortable.”

– Oliver Zach

Artist: Oliver Zach
Text & Music: Oliver Zach
Producer: Filip Killander
Inspelningstekniker: Filip Killander
Mix & Master: Filip Killander 
Artwork: Filippa Bertilsson
Studio: KMR Studios
Recording year: 2022
Releasedate: 2022-04-08
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
Oliver Zach: Vocals
Filip Killander: Sound Producer

Oliver Zach is a newcomer to the Swedish music scene, but with his solid musical talent and extensive experience, his music already feels as natural as his prospects for the future.

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