A place for you to grow

Education is close to our hearts, and we work hard to provide cutting-edge materials, courses, and events. We offer both standardized and customized courses, workshops, and events, as well as lectures and educational materials. All our training programs are available to both individuals and businesses.

Read more on this page, navigate further, or contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Planning meetings are free of charge, so don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting if you’re curious.

KMR Studios hos rytmus 2023

Courses, Workshops och Lectures

We offer both new and stablished artists courses that are designed to inspire, develop and strengthen their abilities. Everyone has their own way of learning, therefore, we here at KMR Studios offer different types of education, so that everyone can find a format that best suit their needs. 

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More About Us

Filip Killander

If you book time in Studio A or services related to mixing, mastering, post-production, Dolby Atmos, and larger music projects, you will be working with Filip Killander. With extensive experience working closely with artists and bands, he not only brings his expertise but also has the ability to create a secure and inspiring working atmosphere in the studio.

Listen to the music.


Simon Forslund

Simon is responsible for our training programs and courses that focus on helping artists promote their own music. Simon is also involved in his own music (S:mon) and has successfully spread it with the help of his exponentially growing TikTok profile.

KMR studios Filip Killander studio A