Släpp - Tonstigaren - sommarlätta ben


Sommarlätta ben

Release Date: July 24, 2020


Listen to Tonstigaren

After lying like a glowing coal on the fire for a long time, “Sommarlätta ben” was suddenly recorded and released. It marked the beginning of the songs from Kiruna released under the artist name Tonstigaren. The song is about a longing to get out of the city center of Kiruna and into nature. About jumping off the pier in the sunshine. About walking in the grass without socks and shoes.

Artist: Tonstigaren
Producer: Seppo Hyvärinen
Mixing: Seppo Hyvärinen
Mastering: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2020-07-24
Publisher: KMR Studios
Seppo Hyvärinen
Mattias Pääjarvi: Drums
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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