Instagram is still one of the giants when it comes to social media and a very effective tool for you as an artist/songwriter/producer to build a fanbase. In this article, we will look at how you can optimize your Instagram profile.


What do you want to convey?

Before we get started, it’s important that you have decided how you want to market yourself. How do you want to present yourself as a brand? Are you funny, mysterious, or down-to-earth? What are you passionate about? It’s important to know how you should build your profile because your profile often determines whether an interested person becomes a follower.

Your Instagram Profile


In your biography, you should showcase who you are, your personality, with a few well-chosen words. There are different ways to do this.

  • An interesting/mysterious/funny sentence.
  • With a few sentences, describe who you are and what you do.
  • A bullet list showcasing your different sides.

For many, a bullet list works very well in the biography. This allows you to easily and visually showcase who you are. It’s easy to read for potential followers. If you’re going to create a list in your biography, we recommend:

  • Describe what you do in a few words
  • Add something that shows your expertise (without bragging)
  • Include a point about something personal (something you like or are passionate about)

Try to keep the character count low. No one wants to read a long essay in your biography.

Link to your website/Spotify

One of the most important things about the biography is that you must have a link that shows where they can learn more about you or listen to your music. 

Let fans contact you

We recommend adding an email or another way for fans to contact you that is not via DM. It shows that you are professional and increases the likelihood of collaborations, for example.

Instagram på telefonen inloggningssida

Use Emojis

Character count is limited in the biography, and emojis can sometimes say more than words. Well-chosen emojis also showcase your personality and make your biography stand out. 

Categorize your stories

You can categorize your stories so that they appear under your biography. We recommend choosing stories that represent your brand. Feel free to create multiple categories that showcase different aspects of your brand.


The most important thing to remember

Don’t overdo it! Let your profile be clean and easy to digest. Get straight to the point and show who you are and why it’s worth following you!

Get Professional Assistance

If you’re interested in private guidance or coaching to get started with your social media, or if you have a song that you want to record and release on Spotify, contact us, and we’ll assist you.

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