KMR gears up

After a long and drawn-out search for a new distributor, with the help of our friends at Dolby, we got in touch with German Kontor New Media – one of Europe’s leading distribution companies. They are also a certified YouTube partner, Preferred Plus Partner with Apple Music and a Preferred Label Distributor with Spotify. In April 2024, the agreements were signed and the partnership between KMR and Kontor New Media (KNM) began.

We have since worked hard together with our label manager to familiarize ourselves with the new workflow, the portal, new functions and a lot of other fun things. This is a great step for both us and you, our dear artists and bands. A step that will take us into a continued successful year.

KMR Studios Musikstudio i Uppsala

Why we chose to change distributors

KMR has grown rapidly over the years and in order to manage our large collection of releases, we needed a new distributor that can give us the tools to better manage, promote and protect our releases. What we looked for in the search for a distributor included:

  • A close collaboration between KMR Studios and our distributor
  • A distributor that specializes in helping record labels
  • A faster and more efficient workflow in the delivery of music, with extended support for Dolby Atmos
  • An efficient and transparent way that gives artists control and overview into royalties payments

KNM was the only label distributor that checked all the boxes in our search. This makes us both confident and hopeful regarding our joint journey ahead.

Kontor New Media logo

What does the partnership entail? 

In practical terms, it does not affect artists and bands in terms of production or the way of working with us at KMR Studios. Nor does it increase our prices as a consequence of the partnership. However, our artists and bands are now offered more services, more opportunities and more control with everything related to the release of their music. Services that give your music the best conditions for everything related to royalties and publishing of music videos.

Are you excited to start your next music project? If you want to know more about what is included when you release music through KMR Studios, you can read more on our website or contact us directly.

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