A Unique Dolby Atmos Recording at KMR Studios

Early this spring, we in our team at KMR Studios embarked on a unique recording project in Dolby Atmos. Lead engineer Filip Killander headed the team, which also included recording engineer Kasper Randler and photographer Erik Almqvist. We had the opportunity to record at the home of Johan Sundelöf, a talented pianist with an impressive Malmsjö grand piano. The recording was to be part of Johan’s upcoming album, “Peace in the Present,” which is situated in the jazz world but also features some classical elements. Johan’s playing style is confident and atmospheric, and his music has the ability to make the listener pause, reflect, and feel. At KMR Studios, we have done many field recordings, but something felt unique about this one. Getting permission to record in an artist’s home added a unique dimension. It gave the recording a personal touch and a different perspective on the music, while also providing a deeper insight into the artist’s creative process.
Johan Sunderlöv Bild-3

The Malmsjö Grand Piano: An Acoustic Treasure

The Malmsjö grand piano, built in Sweden and renowned for its superior quality, is an instrument with a deep and rich tone. It is not just a tool but a work of art in itself, and its ability to produce both powerful and subtle nuances makes it particularly suitable for recordings in spatial audio like Dolby Atmos. As lead engineer, Filip Killander took on the task of strategically placing microphones around the piano to maximize its acoustic potential. A task like this requires an understanding of the format, but also creativity and adaptability to the environment. If you’re curious to read more about how to approach mixing audio in Atmos, you can read our article on the subject.
Johan Sunderlöv Bild-2

An Unexpected Guest and a Successful Result

During the recording, the team also had the company of Johan Sundelöf’s curious cat, who roamed around and occasionally demanded some attention. Despite these interruptions, we all found the cat’s presence to be a charming addition to an enjoyable recording! Recording in Johan’s home created a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere, which allowed the music to truly blossom. It really felt like the right approach to capture the rich tone of the grand piano and Johan’s emotive playing. When the first notes of “Peace in the Present” were played back in the studio, both we at KMR Studios and Johan Sundelöf felt very pleased with the result. The piano’s sound truly expanded in the Atmos format, creating a deep and immersive soundscape. Working in the artist’s own home proved to be an invaluable experience. Working this way constantly deepens one’s understanding of music – it’s truly an unparalleled way to get close to both the music and the artist.

Field Recordings with KMR

Are you interested in recording your music somewhere other than in a studio? Have you always dreamed of how your music would sound in a church or perhaps in a silent forest? Contact us at KMR and we can schedule a free project meeting to discuss how this could be done and how we can help you!

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Over the past few years, KMR Studios has released hundreds of songs by a wide range of artists. To make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for, we’ve organized the music into various playlists. Click the link below to explore our music by format (stereo or Dolby Atmos) or genre.
