Annika Törner releases the single “Skratt före gråt”

On April 7th, the artist and songwriter Annika Törner releases the single “Skratt före gråt,” a joyful and uptempo song with lyrics that carry both moments of brightness and darkness. The song is also released in the future audio format Dolby Atmos, available on platforms like Apple Music.

Listen to the release here

The journey from song idea to finished song

The music idea came during my daily jam session with the guitar. I was particularly drawn to the chorus, which felt great to sing and play. There was a section in the song with jazzy tones that didn’t serve a purpose, so it was removed. I put placeholder lyrics in the song and stored it in a drawer, waiting for inspiration to strike.
When inspiration finally hit, the first line appeared: “The door creaks when it closes.” After the first draft of the song, Bengt (my spouse) felt that it could be even better. He made suggestions and helped complete the lyrics. I returned to the “cabin studio” and continued working, adding and changing parts of the song. I lived the experiences described in the lyrics throughout the days in the studio, in an average temperature of 14 degrees Celsius, which occasionally forced me to jump and flail my arms in place (arm flapping).
I brewed coffee with grounds, and I both laughed and cursed at all the misfortunes in the country and the world (and at everything I didn’t eat). Hunger was secondary throughout the creative process. I never knew when the song would be considered finished. For me, it was complete as soon as the lyrics fell into place.

A result that exceeded expectations

A big thank you to my spouse for completing the lyrics and pushing me forward. During the mixing process at KMR with Filip Killander, something magical happened. The song transformed instantly and achieved the atmosphere I had heard in my head while jamming on the guitar. Now, you can almost feel the mood and groove of the song, especially towards the end!
Honestly, the result exceeded my expectations. A big thanks to Filip, who, behind the mixing console, left his mark on the song and also accommodated our requests.

What kind of song is it?

This is a pop song in both minor and major keys. It feels soft and groovy to listen to, thanks to the mixing. My favorite part of the song is the chorus. There’s a risk that it will get stuck in the listener’s head after just one listen. I’m really looking forward to hearing what people think about the song!

What was it like working with KMR Studios?

It was just as great as the first time. If not better! Getting help with production, mixing, mastering, and distribution from this reliable company that goes the extra mile to accommodate my requests is what stands out. I might be writing like everyone else now, but one of the things I appreciate the most is Filip’s wonderful approach throughout the project. Positive, diplomatic, skilled, and accommodating. Since we worked remotely, I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting the team in person. However, the communication via email and SMS has been excellent! I also received valuable and detailed feedback to work with.
Artist: Annika Törner
Music: Annika Törner, Bengt Aulinder
Lyrics: Annika Törner, Bengt Aulinder
Mixing & Mastering: Filip Killander
Dolby Atmos: KMR Studios, Filip Killander
Photo: Annika Törner
Cover Art & Canvas: Filip Killander 
Recording Year: 2023
Release Date: 2023-04-07


KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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