Tant Knas

Is it just me?

Release date: March 18, 2022


Listen to Tant Knas

On March 18th, Tant Knas will release her album “Is it just me?” with us at KMR Studios! An album with seven songs filled with madness, cheekiness, serious contemplation, and a great deal of humor.

Twenty years ago, Tant Knas started writing songs. Primarily, she wanted to prove to herself that she could, but also to see if songwriting was in her. Something she undoubtedly had. A wide variety of genres and singing styles find their place on the album, where everything from 50’s rock, Latin American sounds, techno, and rap have found their place. This is especially evident in the song “Hyckleri,” where Tant Knas is joined by her daughter Nathalie, who adds rap to the song.

With the album, Tant Knas wants to share her thoughts on life, reflections on human relationships, and interactions with people. Observations about society at large are mixed with lyrics about annoyances and difficulties. At the same time, the artist wants to take the seriousness out of it all and infuse a large dose of humor and self-distance as essential tools in song creation.

Tant Knas describes the recording process and the joy of giving life to the old song lyrics, which were everything from rewarding, fun, and fantastic to challenging, surreal, and liberating. She describes the process best herself:

“I have always been so driven by classical singing technique, where the focus is on it sounding ‘perfect,’ and I forgot about the feeling. I’ve been very focused on how it sounds, not on how it FEELS! Spontaneity hasn’t been a part of it before. But with this project, I decided it was time to stop locking myself and my feelings away. So I let myself sing ‘ugly’ and crazy, and it was a fantastic journey for me, internally, not least of all.”

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“Filip! What a rock! And super nice and wise! Can’t complain about a single thing. I will be forever grateful that Filip took on this project, with open arms and incredible enthusiasm, and carried it out with great professionalism! And also very grateful for Biim, what an energetic person, and so knowledgeable in singing! Big thanks!”

– Tant Knas

Artist: Tant Knas
Lyrics & Music: Tant Knas
Producer: Filip Killander
Recording Engineer: Filip Killander
Mixing & Mastering: Filip Killander
Photo: Yellow Music United
Artwork: Filip Killander
Canvas: Filippa Bertilsson
Recording Studio: KMR Studios
Mixing and Mastering Studio: KMR Studios
Recording Year: 2022
Release Date: March 18, 2022
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
Krogragg: Jonathan Tod – Acoustic Guitar, Fredrik Carlzon – Trumpet
Busschauffören: Jonathan Tod – Electric Guitar
Hyckleri: Nathalie Boogh Rossi – Vocals/Rap
Filip Killander: Sound Producer

Behind the singer and artist Tant Knas, we find Sophie Rossi, a humorous singer with the famous childlike spirit and a hint of madness intact.

Read more about Tant Knas
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