Mattias Hoffert is releasing the EP: Och så levde de

The artist Mattias Hoffert is releasing his new EP “Och så levde de”! A beautiful collection of songs consisting of 4 different pieces, all following the theme of the artist’s relationship with his wife.

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The background of “Och så levde de”

Mattias Hoffert’s latest EP is a project that has evolved over a year and a half. It began when the artist wrote the songs “I rörelse” and “Kan du höra mitt hjärta slå?” feeling a sense of connection and a larger narrative in the music to present. This led him to continue writing the other pieces, “Den längsta vägen hem” and “Nästan för mig själv”

In the EP, the songs are presented in chronological order, starting with the meeting between the artist and his wife, the infatuation and the intense emotions that followed. It then progresses to the confirmation of love and finally delves into “thoughts and reflections on being in a relationship, maintaining it, and being secure in the love for each other.”

The artist is satisfied with how he crafted the story he wanted to convey through the different songs, each containing beautiful lyrics and melodies that undeniably depict a magical portrayal of their shared history.

About the song “Hör du mitt hjärta slå?”

At the time the artist wrote one of the songs, “Kan du höra mitt hjärta slå?” his previous song “Vad är det som händer” was being played on the radio in Halland, which he believes played a role in the development and production of the new song. This resulted in a classic pop piece with a strong presence and feeling, showcasing notable skill in both singing and playing.

The theme and concept of the song have a clear connection to a specific person; the artist says, “The inspiration for the lyrics comes from my and my wife’s wedding day. It’s simply a wedding song.”

He also describes the piece as “a classic, straightforward, and honest Swedish pop song, albeit at a slightly slower pace without any real extravagance in arrangement or production.” It’s the simplicity and honesty of the song that make it the beautiful dedication that it is.

A part of the song that the artist particularly likes is the final chorus, where he added a harmony that elegantly complements the lead vocals and elevates the end of the song.

What Mattias Hoffert is looking forward to the most now is moving on from the work on this EP and starting upcoming projects. The time he has invested in creating and refining the music has left its mark: “These songs have been with me for quite a long time now, so I’m starting to know them quite well.” 

Completing the process that has been ongoing for a long time is something he looks forward to, excited that the songs will finally reach the listeners!


Artist: Mattias Hoffert
Text & Music: Mattias Hoffert                                                                                                                                       Song: Mattias Hoffert, Anne-lie Hoffert (Den längsta vägen hem)

Production och Mixing: Mattias Hoffert                                                                                                                              Mastering: Filip Killander   

Mixing: KMR Studios
Mastering: KMR Studios
Year of recording: 2023

Dolby Atmos
Technician: Filip Killander

Studio: KMR Studios
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Executive Production
Graphic Design: Erik Almqvist
Editor: Erik Almqvist
Release: KMR Studios, 2024 02 09

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Hemsida - Mix och Master - KMR Studios - Studio A

Mixed and Mastered in Dolby Atmos

This production has been mixed and mastered in Dolby Atmos. KMR Studios is one of the few studios in Sweden that's actually certified by Dolby. This means that both the studio room and the technician working on the music meet international high standards.

Order Mixing What is Dolby Atmos?