Coverart - Annica Kronbäck - Joybells feat Vera Kronbäck

Annica Kronbäck

Joybells (feat. Vera Kronbäck)

Release Date: November 20, 2020


Listen to Annica

The songwriter and composer Annica Kronbäck jumps between genres like changing shoes – and when we asked Annica about what was behind this fantastic Christmas song, we got the answer:

“When the idea of a Christmas song came up, I first felt that I wanted to develop the song I wrote last Christmas; ‘Julsaga’ (not yet released on Spotify). At the same time, new thoughts and ideas knocked on the door, and suddenly Joybells emerged. The tempo felt a bit special, and I ended up thinking in English – an English Christmas song. A classic Christmas song, but not entirely, just the right amount of Christmas, elegant, and with a resounding strong vocal performance that makes the song grow and grow.”

The song was produced at JFK Studio, where Annica collaborated with producers Fredrik Kronbäck and Jonas Svensson (currently releasing under the artist name The Black Forest), as well as vocalist Vera Kronbäck. The result is a wonderfully beautiful Christmas song that sounds like a classic from the first listen.

Learn more about:

– Vera Kronbäck
– JFK Studio

Artist: Annica Kronbäck
Lyrics & Music: Annica Kronbäck
Production & Arrangement: Annica Kronbäck, Jonas Svensson, and Fredrik Kronbäck
Mix & Master: Fredrik Kronbäck
Release Date: 2020-11-20
Publisher: KMR Studios
Vera Kronbäck: Vocals
Artist - Annica - selfie 2

With a taste that transcends the boundaries of various genres, Annica Kronbäck creates music to express her thoughts and emotions.

Read more about Annica
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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