Sarah Mannheimer Releases …and some pages

Unique productions with peaks and valleys, light and darkness, organic instruments and monstrous synths. In addition to the music, we find, as expected, deep, thoughtful lyrics that take us on a fantastic journey.

Sarah talks about the release

Listen to the release here

Tell us about how/when you started working on the songs? What inspired you to start writing?

“Markers” is the title of my first EP that I recorded at KMR, and “…and some pages” is like a continuation of it. It’s like the other side of the record. You could say that the songs on Markers tell more about life markers, close relationships, and big questions that impact the foundation and direction of life, while “…and some pages” is about events, paths crossing, and experiences that leave imprints in different ways, shaping existence. These are stories that touch upon what is human, and if any listener can recognize themselves or find something to make their own with personal meaning, that’s fantastic.
“…and some pages,” like “Markers,” contains both older songs that have been in the drawer for a longer or shorter time and completely new ones. So the inspiration comes from both an old and new longing and desire to write and create. Also, that need to express myself again!


How would you describe the sound/genre of the songs? How does it feel to listen to them?

I’ve asked Filip several times, what kind of songs are these, really? (laughs) But maybe you could say they fit perfectly into the indie genre, where everything is allowed and has its place. In the songs on “…and some pages,” you can allow yourself to get swept away in the wonderfully crazy, immersive, and blind infatuation in “Baby Be,” feel the bittersweet desire and longing in “Ground Zero,” the pain in “Lost,” find comfort in “Hard Times,” and groove to life in “Running.”


What was it like recording them? How did it feel to “finish” the recording/mixing/mastering of the project?

In the studio, inspiration sprouts new leaves as the creative process unfolds. The experience when the songs find their sonic identity, when instruments and vocals fall into place, is a consistently profound and exhilarating experience every time. Each recording has been completely unique; some filled with joy and laughter, others more challenging, requiring patient exploration to find the right sound, and sometimes tears needing their space.
The feeling when mixing and mastering is complete, when the songs are just there, and the dream becomes a reality, is almost impossible to describe. That’s when the euphoria sets in!


What do you like most about the EP? Is there a favorite part, instrument, or something in the process of creating them that you found particularly enjoyable?

What I perhaps like most about “…and some pages” is the variation. The songs are different yet interconnected, lifting each other up as a cohesive whole with a shared foundation.
It’s difficult to choose a favorite; they are all meaningful in their own way and have their unique place in me. One particularly enjoyable memory that makes me laugh every time is when Filip played the melodica in “Baby Be.” I had no idea it was possible to play the melodica with such passion and dedication! (laughs)


What are you most looking forward to about releasing the EP?

Most of all, I’m looking forward to sharing the songs with family and friends, to show them what I’ve been working on throughout this period and all the hours in the studio. It’s going to be exciting and fun!

What has it been like to create music at KMR Studios?

It’s a tremendous privilege to have the opportunity to invest in oneself and one’s own dreams like this. This is actually my second round at the studio! I chose KMR because I felt there was a chance to have the time, space, and support I would need to both dare and get as close as possible to my vision. But I could never have dreamed that I would learn and grow as much as I have! Not only in terms of music, music production, and singing (yes, every vocal recording session has also been like a singing lesson!) but also as personal development. Everything I’ve learned and shared in collaboration with Filip and the whole journey through the project and work on the songs has given me so much on so many different levels. The result and the sum of everything have far exceeded the vision I walked through KMR’s doors with!

What is the strongest/funniest/most beautiful memory you have of your music project?

The strongest and most beautiful memories are all the times Filip has gone above and beyond to understand what I mean when I haven’t had the tools to be clear in the production, all the instruments he has played to meet all my requests for live instruments in the songs, and his support in difficult moments when emotions took over and self-confidence wavered. The funniest? Without a doubt, Filip’s special relationship with his triangle! (laughs)
Artist: Sarah Mannheimer
Vocals: Sarah Mannheimer
Backing vocals and all instruments: Filip Killander
Lyrics & Music: Sarah Mannheimer
Production, Mixing & Mastering: Filip Killander
Dolby Atmos: KMR Studios / Filip Killander
Photo and video: Andy Collins, 68-Design, and Hannah Mannheimer
Cover and canvas: Andy Collins, 68-Design
Recording, mixing, and mastering studio: KMR Studios
Recording year: 2022 / 2023
Release Date: 2023-02-17
Editor: Filip Killander
Record Label: KMR Studios
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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