Freddie berättade om hur låten skapades:
”he initial start for the song was when I sat in my car on my way to work. I usually listen through a lot of beats when I’m drivin to work – trying to see which beats I can freestyle to that feels good. It sorta became a thing I did in the car that also developed my music and rhyming skills. But anyway, the beat came on and I just started flowin’ on it and that’s what you hear in the first verse that’s completely on top of my mind. Then I had lyrics for a hook from another beat that I did some time ago that I tried for this new song and it fitted perfectly! I started to put the pieces together and there it was; ”Alone sometimes”
”Alone Sometimes” släpps den 26 mars 2021.
Varje månad sedan debutsingeln ”Figure Me Out” släpper den svenska rapparen/låtskrivaren Freddie Hoffa en ny singel. Var och en fortsätter att lyfta fram mångsidigheten och kreativiteten hos honom som artist.
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