Kaye-Anne släpper singeln: The Ocean
Havsvågor, akustisk gitarr och en fängslande text introducerar oss till Kaye-Annes hypnotiska sound. Singlen är den första av två som leder upp till debutalbumet Odes to Nature, From Sweden With Love”.
Kaye-Anne berättar om släppet
Den 24 mars debuter Kaye-Anne med låten ”The Ocean”. Musiken skapades av den skicklige kompositören och gitarristen Siddhi Johan Sundt (Uppsala, 2006). Texten skrevs och anpassades till musiken av Kaye-Anne för att passa som temalåt till en musikal hon satt ihop. 2022 så spelades låten in på nytt av Rasmus Bilow i KMR Studios lokaler i Uppsala.
Kaye-Anne om debutsingeln
”This song is written as a theme song about my next musical which will be about an acoustic girl who lives and breathes music. The girl is surrounded by people who love her and feel that they need to control every aspect of her life in order to protect her from the outside world.
As with my musicals, it chronicles what is happening around the world as the same time as the story is a metaphor of world politics. The music is composed by Siddhi Johan Sundt, a composer from Uppsala who composed it in 2006 for one of his classical guitar students, Anna. The Swedish title of the music is ”Quietude” or ”Stillnad” in Swedish language. I took guitar lessons with Siddhi for a few years and had always thought I wanted to write lyrics to ”Quietude” as soon as I heard it.
I was very happy when Siddhi gave me permission to use his music as the theme song for the musical. In this song, the scene would be a mermaid, singing to a tired child who has fallen asleep.
When writing this song, the unfortunate ”Putin” war in Ukraine had begun and in the news, one hears about the uncertainties of the direction military might in countries like China and North Korea could take.”
Musik produktion
Medverkande musiker
Exekutiv produktion

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