Have you just started using Logic or have you been using it for a long time? Something we all want is to quickly jot down our ideas before we forget them! Although it may take some time to learn, keyboard shortcuts are a great way to become more efficient in your work. This article will tell you about 10 basic shortcuts in Logic Pro.

Basic Shortcuts in Logic

1. Record selected track: R

This is useful when you want to efficiently record multiple takes. You can also record multiple channels simultaneously.

2. Start/stop loop function: C

With this function, you can play a section of the project repeatedly. You determine the section using the yellow strip above all tracks in the main window.

3. Mute selected track: M

This command works even when you have selected multiple tracks. Perfect for removing elements from the production without deleting them.

4. Solo selected track: S

Perfect for playing back one or more parts in the song. Note! Be careful not to solo too much during mixing, as mixing is about how the sounds fit together, not how they sound individually.

5. Open/close mixer: X

Great for quickly accessing the mixer to get a clear overview of all channel settings, such as plug-ins.

6. Start/stop metronome: K

The metronome adjusts to the project’s tempo and helps you keep the beat. The metronome will sound like a click.

7. Quantize selected track: Q

Adjusts the recording to the project’s tempo. Tips! 100% on the grid is not always right, try what sounds best to you!

8. Copy and paste: ⌥ (Option) + Click & Drag

Instead of using Command + C and Command + V to copy and paste, you can hold down Option and then drag the recording to where you want the duplicate.

9. Export the project: ⌘+B

Instead of searching for export in the settings, you can use the shortcut to quickly bring up the export window. Be sure to set the correct settings.

10. Save: ⌘+S

Even though Logic has an autosave function, it’s important to be diligent about saving, especially when closing the project.


Just like many commands in Logic, there is a quick way and a slower way to use them. These were 10 basic shortcuts that are a good starting point for working more efficiently in recording, production, mixing, and mastering in Logic Pro.

If you want to learn more about shortcuts in Logic, you can read the article Hidden Shortcuts in Logic Pro

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