
Martina Brown

Ciao Ciao

Released: March 12, 2021


Listen to Martina

Martina on Ciao Ciao:
“I was at home one evening, listening to music and came across a lovely beat. I immediately started humming a melody, grabbed a bunch of post-it notes, and started writing. This is often how my songs/lyrics come to life. In this case, it quickly went from singing along to a song while doing the dishes to sitting with full concentration and trying to express all my emotions on those little post-it notes in front of me. An hour later, I had put together ‘Ciao Ciao,’ which holds a special place in my heart today!”

We are truly proud to release music together with this promising talent. We eagerly anticipate what Martina Brown will do next.

Artist: Martina Brown
Songwriter: Martina Brown
Producer: Filip Killander
Mix & Master: Filip Killander
Photo: Martina Brown
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2021-03-12
Publisher: KMR Studios
bild på artisten Martina brown

Martina Brown is a singer and songwriter with a voice that leaves no one untouched.

Read more about Martina
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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