Cover - Tre - Fri



Released: March 19, 2021


Listen to TRE

“FRI is about the frustration of getting stuck in old destructive patterns. You look back at the previous year and think about what an idiot you were then – but damn, you still haven’t changed! Our instrument wizard Christopher had come up with a guitar riff that sparked an idea. Once the idea was born, Kalle wrote the majority of the lyrics in half an hour. He’s usually a genius/ADHD in that way. But honestly, it was a pretty difficult process – the song was “almost” finished for a long time, requiring many re-recordings and adjustments before we were completely satisfied.”

Artist: TRE
Songwriters: Kalle Larsson, Martin Nilsson, and Christopher Witte
Production & Mix: Christopher Witte
Mastering: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2021-03-19
Publisher: KMR Studios

TRE profilbild bandet

The group TRE consists of Kalle Larsson (rap), Christopher Witte (production), and Martin Nilsson (vocals).

Read more about TRE
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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