Cover - Jan Oskar Löfgren - Betraktan

Jan Oskar Löfgren


Released: April 7, 2021


Listen to Jan Oskar

Composer Jan Oskar Löfgren competed and won with the song “Betraktan” in a poetry competition on TV4 in 2000. The piece is dedicated to his friend Nellie Grandin. Jan plays all the instruments and sings on the recording.

Lyrics, Vocals & Music: Jan Oskar Löfgren
Producer, Mixing and Mastering: Per-Erik Rylander
Remastering: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: April 7, 2021
Publisher: KMR Studios
jan oskar profilbild

Jan Oskar Löfgren writes folk songs, tunes pianos, and plays the violin quite a bit. Well-known locally as well as nationally, Jan writes songs about people he has encountered in life, interesting observations, and life in general.

Read more about Jan Oskar
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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