Jan Oskar Löfgren

Jan Oskar Löfgren is a songwriter, piano tuner, and violin player. He is well-known both locally and nationally for writing songs about people he has encountered in life, interesting observations, and life in general. Jan simply tells stories from his life, and we listen with joy.

In fifth grade, Jan started playing the mandolin, and later, in seventh grade, he switched to the violin. As a fifteen-year-old, Jan began working as a military musician, participating in various guard parades. After graduating from music school in 1968, Jan started touring with his music. He has been fortunate to play music in many different settings, including dance bands, symphony orchestras, and big bands. In 1986, Jan started working as a piano tuner, a craft he still engages in.

When we asked Jan about his creative process, he explained that he often gets a few notes or melodies in his head that he then builds upon. They can come to him at any time, but often they emerge when he is out walking in nature. If he doesn't have anything to record the idea on, he calls his own voicemail to save it for later when he gets home.

A method that works is indeed a good method, isn't it?

Released via KMR Studios


On June 16, Jan Oskar Löfgren releases the song Brittsommar. A song about old age [...]

Livet är en stilla vals (feat. Malin Wesslén)

The song Lifet is a single still waltz Jan created together with the accordion club [...]


The song composer Jan Oskar Löfgren competed and won with the song "Consideration" in a [...]

Det finns bara en sol (feat. Anna-Karin Oldeberg Nytell & Frida Nytell)

81-year-old composer Jan Oskar Löfgren about the song: "The song is dedicated to my then [...]