On the Way Home

Released: April 2, 2021


Listen to TRE

“It’s strange how a few notes in a row can encapsulate a special place or feeling. On the Way Home did exactly that: a simple piano melody brought back crystal-clear memories of a time marked by uncertainty, longing, and frustration between two people who, on paper, share the same goals, dreams, and desperation to be close but are completely incapable of communicating with each other.

The story in the song was therefore clear the moment the piano melody triggered the memory – it was a Tuesday night with a glass of red wine alone in the apartment, if I remember correctly. Then, as always, it was a process to share the idea with the rest of the band and translate the feeling into somewhat comprehensible lyrics and music. I still get transported back every time I hear the intro!”

Artist: TRE
Songwriters: Kalle Larsson, Martin Nilsson, and Christopher Witte
Production & Mix: Christopher Witte
Mastering: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2021-04-02
Publisher: KMR Studios
TRE profilbild bandet

The group TRE consists of Kalle Larsson (rap), Christopher Witte (production), and Martin Nilsson (vocals).

Read more about TRE
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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