Cover - Jan Oskar Löfgren - Brittsommar

Jan Oskar Löfgren


Release Date: June 16, 2021


Listen to Jan Oskar

On June 16, Jan Oskar Löfgren is releasing the song “Brittsommar.” It’s a song about old age and the time in life that Jan himself describes as the time for “brittsommar” (late summer). Jan wrote the song as one of four members of the quartet King Edwards, and it’s one of the songs on the CD with the same name. As usual with Jan’s music, his songs are always dedicated to different people he has met in his life. “Brittsommar” is dedicated to Jan’s good friend Britt, whose husband also has a song dedicated to him on the CD. The song belongs to the genre of “hambopolska,” a genre rooted in folk music and a type of three-beat polska. It is just one of the many music genres we have had the pleasure to enjoy through Jan’s diverse musical repertoire.

Artist: Jan Oskar Löfgren
Lyrics & Music: Jan Oskar Löfgren
Producer & Mix: Per Erik Rylander
Remaster: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2021-06-16
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
jan oskar profilbild

Jan Oskar Löfgren writes ballads, tunes pianos, and plays a lot of violin. Well-known both locally and nationally, Jan writes songs about people he has encountered throughout his life, interesting observations, and life in general.

Read more about Jan Oskar
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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