Cover - Naomi Elander - Guilty Love

Naomi Elander

Guilty Love

Release Date: June 18, 2021


Listen to Naomi

On Friday, June 18, Naomi Elander is releasing her debut EP “Guilty Love.” It’s a collection of songs that depict a dysfunctional love relationship from various perspectives. These three songs are written and performed by Naomi and produced and recorded by KMR Studios.

Artist: Naomi Elander
Songwriter: Naomi Elander
Production, Mix & Master: Filip Killander
Artwork: Naomi Elander
Songs: 1) Love Myself, 2) Shut My Mouth, 3) Reason To Lie
Release Date: 2021-06-18
Publisher: KMR Studios
Naomi Elander - Profilbild

Naomi Elander is the Gothenburg-based songwriter and singer with music in her blood, whose songs leave no one untouched.

Read more about Naomi
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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