Konvolut - Lupus J. - A Thousand Pieces

Lupus J.

A Thousand Pieces (feat. Filip Killander)

Release Date: January 14, 2022


Listen to Lupus J.

On January 14, 2022, Lupus J. presents his new song “A Thousand Pieces” at KMR Studios!

The song was born in the Swedish mountains when Jan describes feeling like he had 1000 pieces within him. After a day of skiing, he sat down with his guitar when the melody just came to him, and 25 minutes later, he had finished writing the entire song. Jan found inspiration for the song in the Swedish classic “Tusen bitar” by Björn Afzelius.

We asked Jan about his favorite part of the song, and he said that he is particularly pleased with the melody in the chorus with the lyrics: “Heart in pieces, how can I go on…”

“A Thousand Pieces” is Lupus J.’s third release at KMR Studios!

KMR grandient bakgrund

“KMR Studios is attentive and professional.”

– Lupus J.

Artist: Lupus J.
Lyrics & Music: Lupus J.
Producer: Filip Killander
Programming: Filip Killander
Mixing & Mastering: Filip Killander
Artwork & Canvas: Bea Andrés
Release Date: 2022-01-14
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
Filip Killander: Sound Producer, Drums, Guitar, Percussion, Bass, Piano, Lead Vocals, Background vocals
Lupus J - profilbild

Behind the name Lupus J. we find musician and songwriter Jan Nilsson. At the age of six, Jan found his mother’s guitar, and since then, music has been an integral part of his life.

Read more about Lupus J.
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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