Pier Manoukian - Rätt långt kvar

Pier Manoukian

Rätt långt kvar

Release Date: January 15, 2021


Listen to Pier

On Friday, January 15, the catchy and emotionally charged single “Rätt långt kvar” will be released. A song about love and how difficult it can be to get over a relationship – even though one knows the relationship is not good for them.

When we asked Pier what the song was about, he wanted the song to speak for itself. A brief “listen” and a smile were all we got.

The song “Rätt långt kvar” was written and produced together with Filip Killander – and released through us at KMR Studios in Uppsala.

Artist: Pier Manoukian
Songwriters: Pier Manoukian and Filip Killander
Producer: Filip Killander
Editing: Gustav Bergström
Mix & Master: Filip Killander
Photo: Pier Manoukian
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: January 15, 2021
Publisher: KMR Studios
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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