Naomi Elander - To good to be true

Naomi Elander

Too Good To Be True

Release Date: January 8, 2021


Listen to Naomi

On Friday, January 8, the beautiful singer-songwriter single “Too Good To Be True” will be released. It is the debut single for Gothenburg-based singer Naomi Elander. A song about love and doubt.

Naomi about the song:
Too Good To Be True is about the fact that even if you don’t want to lose the feeling of love, sometimes it’s something you just have to do. I wrote it during a very difficult period of my life when I was very lonely and filled with lots of difficult emotions. The song is not directed at a specific person; it is made from the feelings I felt in that moment. During that period.

Artist: Naomi Elander
Songwriter: Naomi Elander
Producer: Kristofer Söderström
Editing: Gustav Bergström
Mix & Master: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: January 8, 2021
Publisher: KMR Studios
Naomi Elander - Profilbild

Naomi Elander is the Gothenburg-based songwriter and singer with music in her blood, whose songs leave no one untouched.

Read more about Naomi
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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