Jan Oskar Löfgren
Livet är en stilla vals (feat. Malin Wesslén)
Released: May 12, 2021
Listen to Jan Oskar
The song Livet är en enda stilla vals was created by Jan together with the accordion club in Uppsala about ten years ago and is now being digitally released for the first time in a newly mastered version. Malin Wesslén, who sings on the song, is usually found in the Lagga church choir. Jan knew that Malin’s voice would fit perfectly with the key of the song and is very happy with the collaboration.
When asked how the song came about, Jan explains that, like many of his songs, they often come to him when he is out walking. If he doesn’t have any equipment to record on the spot, he usually calls his voicemail and sings a few measures to remember it for later. He then created the song at home in the music program on his computer, just like all his music.
When Jan writes music, he always dedicates the songs to a special person. He sees his opportunity to make music as a gift, and he wants to somehow pass that gift on to other people.
The song is dedicated to Einar Avander. Einar is a 95-year-old man who loves to dance, and he especially loves to dance to a gentle waltz. Livet är en enda stilla vals is one of over 150 songs that Jan has composed and the third song released through KMR Studios.
Producer: Oskar Gyllenhammar
Arrangement: Åke Persson
Remaster: Filip Killander
Artwork: Filip Killander

Jan Oskar Löfgren writes ballads, tunes pianos, and plays the violin a lot. Well-known locally and nationally, Jan writes songs about people he has met in life, interesting observations, and life in general.
Read more about Jan Oskar
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