Cover - Jennifer Sällström - summer of 2019

Jennifer Sällström

Summer of 2019

Release Date: June 4, 2021


Listen to Jennifer

On Friday, June 4, Jennifer Sällström is releasing the sizzling hot single “Summer of 2019”. The song reveals a nostalgic summer romance and the feeling of being intoxicated by life.

The song takes us back to the summer of 2019, which Jennifer spent in Sydney, and she describes it as a memorable summer filled with love, friends, and everything in between. She hopes that the listener can be transported back to the memories of warm summer nights before the pandemic and the worries of getting too close.

Jennifer wrote the lyrics to the song in the summer of 2020, and when she later heard a track produced by KMR’s Filip Killander, she immediately realized that it would fit perfectly with the lyrics. The inspiration for the song comes from summery pop songs.

We asked Jennifer if she has a favorite part of the song, and she responded:
“After the chorus, the tempo slows down in the song, and we come to a part where I sing ‘Summer of 2019’. That part feels nostalgic, like a person remembering the good times, and I really like that.”

Artist: Jennifer Sällström
Songwriter: Jennifer Sällström
Production, Mix & Master: Filip Killander
Editing: Gustav Bergström
Artwork: Jennifer Sällström
Release Date: 2021-06-04
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
Artist - Jennifer Sällström

Jennifer Sällström is a soul and pop artist from Uppsala with music in her blood. Her love for music comes from her upbringing, and she has a long background in various choirs and musicals.

Read more about Jennifer
KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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