Memories in the Dark aktuell releases 1984

The electronic music duo Memories in the Dark releases their debut album ‘1984’! A collection of 11 songs characterized by exciting and innovative soundscapes along with narrative lyrics.

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A process marked by creative joy

The process of creating the group’s first album began when Björn and Cyrille entered Björn’s studio together in December 2020. Here, a musical and creative journey began, lasting for a period of three years. The result of this long but laborious process was an album of 11 songs that they developed together with great creativity and joy. Another, perhaps equally important outcome of this process was that they also realized how well they complement each other musically and how they fit together like two puzzle pieces with perfect alignment.

During this period, Cyrille wrote new lyrics and melodies based on emotional events in life. Each song that Björn and Cyrille recorded in the studio inspired Björn to finalize the songs and build the soundscapes that became Memories in the Dark’s sound. Björn drew from Cyrille’s lyrics and melodies, but also from ideas about the types of songs he wanted to try making. This also involved influences from the music Björn had listened to previously and the instrumental music he had created long ago.

The studio recordings were highlights for both of them, where Björn never quite knew what song ideas Cyrille would come up with. And after the studio sessions, when Björn played the produced versions of the songs for Cyrille, he was always pleasantly surprised by how the music had taken shape. Both were always equally enthusiastic about the final result. They often met again in the studio to add extra saxophone or vocal harmonies. Eventually, there were enough songs for an album, and because of all they had learned along the way, the sound had improved. They realized that they could release this.

The feeling in the album’s songs

The combination of instruments that is most characteristic of Memories in the Dark is undoubtedly the saxophone together with the synthesizers. Both Björn and Cyrille have listened to and been inspired by a lot of music made with synthesizers, so it was natural that this became one of the main instruments shaping the sound. Otherwise, the idea in the music is always to leave ample space for the atmospheric in the arrangements. And the mood created by the saxophone harmonizes beautifully with the vocals and empathetic lyrics.

Björn and Cyrille find it difficult to choose a favorite song, as they believe that each song has its own character and quality that makes it special. “Juliet,” for example, is a “very distinctive song with a dynamic between relaxed ballad and dramatic uptempo song.” The song is based on a story about a woman fleeing a destructive man, told through both spoken word and singing. The arrangement of the song with synthesizers was built around Cyrille’s saxophone and piano improvisations.

The title track “1984” is also a powerful musical collage inspired by the new wave of the 80s and the synth music of the time. The lyrics were written by Cyrille in his despair over David Bowie’s passing and through memories from his time in his Parisian boyhood room. Björn wanted to enhance the desperate mood in the song through the music.

Another song, “Coming Home,” is about persistent searching and a longing for something one may never find, but perhaps ultimately finding the right path in life. It’s a ballad characterized by a neat vocal arrangement and a saxophone responding to the singer’s expression. There is also a delightful section featuring a piano improvisation and a saxophone solo by Cyrille.

Now, Cyrille and Björn are looking forward to finally sharing the album and spreading their music, as well as gaining a new and hopefully growing circle of listeners. The dream is, of course, that as many people as possible will listen to the music and be inspired by the combination of sound and storytelling.


Artist: Memories in the Dark
Text & Music: Memories in the Dark

Production: Björn Einarsson

Mixing: Björn Einarsson
Mastering: Filip Killander

Mastering: KMR Studios
Year of recording: 2023

Cyrille Harmant: Song, Saxophone, Piano, Guitar, Bass-Synth                                                                                        Björn Einarsson: Sounding producer, Programming
Erika Einarsson: Song (Trembling, Juliet)                                                                                                                    Alva backlund: Song (Shine On, Hurts)

Executive production
Graphic Design: Erik Almqvist
Editor: Erik Almqvist
Release: KMR Studios, 2024 05 03

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