The Actress releases ‘made to burn’

The artist and songwriter The Actress releases her debut single ‘made to burn’! A song with a personal and emotional background, with a present expression that captivates the listener in a story.

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The story behind the song

The process of creating the song ‘made to burn’ began with the artist working on creating sea shanties (or uplifting sailor songs) after being inspired by a pirate-themed live-action role-playing game she participated in. However, these plans were suddenly interrupted after she went through an unexpected heartbreak. She talks about the situation and how she dealt with it: “I didn’t know where to go with all the feelings. So I turned to songwriting once again.”

Writing what eventually became the song was therefore a way to process the emotions the artist was experiencing at the moment, and was the driving motivation behind the song’s creation. Finishing the song was a feeling she describes as a bit surreal, as she had previously made songs that she had performed, but this time she could hear a recording of her work. “This was like a whole different thing to be able to hear a recording of the song. Knowing that everyone will hear it.”

The Musical Expression in ‘made to burn’

The Actress would describe the style and genre of the song as alternative indie-pop, as it has both a unique and distinct tone, while also having a radio-friendly melody that draws the listener into the story.

The feeling in the song, the artist would also say, is melancholic and nostalgic, with a recurring longing in the expression. The piano loop, along with the present vocals and lyrics, is what particularly characterizes this feeling, which undoubtedly makes a strong impression on the listener. A favorite part of the song is in the second verse when the guitar comes in and a distant but powerful scream is heard in the background, which she thinks “feels so great.”

This will be the artist’s first song released on streaming platforms, which is a thought that makes her slightly filled with release nerves, but also with excitement and anticipation. “I’m pretty nervous, but at the same time, I feel super excited because this is just the beginning!”


Artist: The Actress
Text & Music: Hanna Stenbeck

Mixing: Filip Killander
Mastering: Filip Killander

Studio                                                                                                                                                                      Mixing: KMR Studios
Mastering: KMR Studios
Year of recording: 2024

Hanna Stenbeck: Vocals
Filip Killander: Sounding producer, Guitar, Drums, Piano 

Executive Production
Graphic Design: Erik Almqvist
Editor: Erik Almqvist
Release: KMR Studios, 2024 05 10

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Hemsida - Mix och Master - KMR Studios - Studio A

Mixed and Mastered in Dolby Atmos

This production has been mixed and mastered in Dolby Atmos. KMR Studios is one of the few studios in Sweden that's actually certified by Dolby. This means that both the studio room and the technician working on the music meet international high standards.

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