The Photo Studio in the heart of Uppsala

KMR Studios Kicks Off 2024

Since its inception, KMR has been a place where artists and bands can get assistance with everything related to music creation. This largely includes everything related to photography and videography. Music videos and cover images help the music catch the eye of both existing and potential new fans.

In order to offer our services even beyond the music world, today we take a big step and launch The Photo Studio. This is a place where everyone can get assistance with everything related to photography and videography. Individuals, companies, artists, and bands are all welcome.

The Photo Studio has taken over what we previously called Studio B. Studio A is now called The Music Studio. Simple and clear. The Photo Studio will be operated as a separate company but is closely linked to KMR’s core values and way of working. Erik Almqvist is responsible in the studio, whom you can read more about on The Photo Studio’s new website – link is in the bio.

Welcome to KMR Studios; The Music Studio and The Photo Studio.

Looking Towards the Future

In the same way that KMR Studios has demonstrated a nimble way of working as a music studio and record label, the ambition is to make a similar revolution in the world of photography and film. We want to make it easy for everyone to create high-quality content that strengthens the relationships between people.

To celebrate the launch, we have put together some really good offers that we have hidden in two easily accessible places:

  • In the newly launched SAMI App
  • In our newsletter

If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact us for more information, and we will be more than happy to tell you more about the offers.

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