
Mattias Hoffert

Det slutar nog lyckligt

Release Date: July 23, 2021


Listen to Mattias

On July 23rd, Mattias Hoffert makes his debut with us at KMR Studios with the EP “Det slutar nog lyckligt,” featuring the songs “6 LAPIN & 1 hard red PRINCE,” “Knäsvag,” and “Etthundratretusen hjärtan.”

The first song of the EP is “6 LAPIN & 1 hard red PRINCE,” a melancholic pop ballad that looks back on a lost youth.

While Mattias had already written the music for the song, the lyrics were not there yet. One evening, Mattias suddenly realizes that he has forgotten what his best friend’s mother was actually called. For a few seconds, the name was gone, but when it quickly came back, the uncomfortable feeling remained. The fading memories stuck with Mattias, thoughts and emotions that resulted in a song about a bygone youth – what remains and what is lost. When we asked Mattias if he has a favorite part in the song, he replied, “Personally, I like the direct impact at the very beginning of the song, where the first line comes immediately, ‘Saw you called on the mobile yesterday…’. The ending of the song, where the character of the music changes to some extent, can be seen as a tribute to early Kent.”

The song is produced by Christof Jeppsson at JAM Studio in Halmstad, and Christof has also played instruments and added harmonies to the song.


Songs: 1) 6 LAPIN & 1 hard red PRINCE, 2) Knäsvag, 3) Etthundratretusen hjärtan
Artist: Mattias Hoffert
Songwriter: Mattias Hoffert
Production and Mixing: Christof Jeppsson and Mattias Hoffert
Mastering: Filip Killander and Christof Jeppsson
Artwork: Filip Killander
Release Date: 2021-06-23
Editor: Hila Stefansson
Publisher: KMR Studios
Mattias hoffert profilbild artist

Mattias Hoffert is a musician and songwriter based in Halmstad, Sweden. Mattias allows his music to be influenced by his state of mind, resulting in dynamic and multifaceted music that is constantly evolving.

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KMR Studios - Dolby Atmos

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