About the music studio
Two Professional and Inspiring Studios
KMR Studios is located in the heart of Uppsala, adjacent to the university building and just a stone’s throw from the cathedral. With two different studio rooms tailored to a wide range of needs and our experienced technicians, there is no better place to turn for assistance with music-related projects. On this page, you will find information about what sets the two rooms apart, as well as details about our music operations as a whole.
We can help you with everything from music production of individual instruments to complete music projects, assisting you from song idea to release on platforms such as Apple Music / Spotify.

Studio Services
Studio Booking
Work with one of our music producers/technicians, Filip Killander or Kasper Randler, for recording vocals and instruments, mixing and mastering. Get help with playing instruments, arranging projects, and much more!
• Book Now
Music Project Planning
We believe in long-term working relationships without lengthy contracts. We offer assistance with all parts of the creation process, from songwriting and recording to release and promotion.
• Music Projects
Order Music Production
You decide what to produce, and we help you along the way. We can record with you in the studio, remotely, or at your location.
• Music Production

STUDIO A – As in Dolby Atmos
Studio A is Uppsala’s first Dolby Atmos studio. It is one of the few in Sweden, and one of the rare studios in the world with an Atmos room where it’s also possible to produce in Dolby Atmos. Here, you can be confident that what you hear is the accurate representation of your project. The microphones, instruments, and equipment are carefully selected to ensure that your project meets today’s high standards for music. In this room, you will work with music producer Filip Killander, who, since joining KMR in 2019, has mastered over 300 tracks, produced over 200 tracks, and mixed over 220 tracks, all of which are available on platforms like Spotify.
Explore Studio A
The Inventory
MacBook Pro 16 M2 Max, 12-core CPU, 38-Core GPU, 96GB RAM, 8TB SSD
Studio Monitors
– LCR: 3 Genelec 8341A SAM™ (The Ones)
– Rears: 2 Genelec 8040B
– Surrounds: 2 Genelec 8040B
– Tops: 4 Genelec 8030C
– Sub: 1 Genelec 7370A SAM™ Subwoofer
Setup and calibration are certified by Dolby.
Audio Interface/Preamp/Controllers
– MTRX Studio
– Avid Dock
– Grace Design M108
– Focusrite OctoPre
– Softube Console 1, Fader
– 5 Audio Technica ATH-M50x
– PreSonus HD60 headphone amplifier
– 1 Neumann U87 Ai
– 1 Neumann TLM 103
– 2 Neumann KM 184
– 2 sE Electronics X1R
– 2 Universal Audio SP-1
– 1 SM7b
– 1 Shure Beta 52A
– 4 Shure SM57
– Acoustic Piano (Malmsjö from 1888)
– Acoustic Drum Kit (Diablo)
– Acoustic Guitars (Taylor ce114, Cordoba Mini)
– Electric Guitars (Squier Stratocaster, Cort Zenox)
– Analog Drum Machine Arturia Drumbrute
– Electric Bass (Ibanez TMB100)
– Ukulele (Soprano, Tenor, and Bass)
– Native Instruments S61, Maschine MK3
– Mandolin
– Banjo
– Harmonica
– Melodica
– Wide selection of percussion instruments
Additional Equipment
In the studio, we also mirror the computer screen to a TV screen, so that you who are singing or recording can always follow what is happening on the large screen.
The Engineer
Musikproducenten Filip Killander
Bokar du tid i Studio A eller tjänster inom mixning, mastering, post-produktion, Dolby Atmos och större musikprojekt så är det Filip Killander du kommer arbeta med. Med lång erfarenhet av att arbeta nära med artister och band så har han utöver sin expertis även en förmåga att skapa en trygg och inspirerande arbetsstämning i studion.
Boka studiotid
Acoustic Piano (Malmsjö)
We had the privilege of recording the artist, composer, and live musician Shabwam. His entire debut EP was recorded on our Malmsjö piano (from Gothenburg, 1888).
Acoustic Drums
Listen to the Drums
Here you can find three audio files from three different projects, all recorded with our drum kit in Studio A. We regularly tune and maintain the entire set with help from Johan Lundsten.

A Creative Space for Explorers
Studio B is designed to be a meeting and workspace for creative individuals. Both beginners and experienced professionals will feel welcome here. This room offers plenty of space for you to spread out as you wish. The studio is a warm and inspiring place tailored for recording vocals, music production, photography, songwriting, and intimate concerts.
Explore Studio B
The Gear
Studio B is a studio that’s perfect for a blend of creative creation and social interaction. Here, everyone can feel at home and focus on what’s most enjoyable: making music!
Studio Monitors and Headphones
– 2x Adam Audio A7x
– 1x Adam Audio Sub10 MK2 Subwoofer
– 3x Audio Technica ATH-M50x
– 5x extra headphones
– 1x PreSonus HD60 – Headphone Amplifier (6 outputs)
– 1x Palmer Monicon L – Monitor Controller
Audio Interface/Preamp
– Audient EVO 16 (8 pre-amps)
– 1x SM58
– 1x Sennheiser e935
– 1x Røde NT1A
– 2x Røde M5
– Akai Professional MPK Mini MK2
– Casio Digital Piano (88 keys)
– 2x Sustain Pedals
– Electric Guitar Stratocaster
– Electric Bass
– A selection of percussion instruments
Additional Equipment
In the studio, we also mirror the computer screen to a TV screen, so you who are singing or recording can always follow what’s happening on the large screen. The studio is equipped with plenty of microphone stands, studio lights, a green screen, a bar table with seating for 5-6 people, an armchair, and a stage large enough for 10 people.
Ansvarig tekniker
Musikproducenten Kasper Randler
Bokar du tid i Studio B eller tjänster inom produktion, mixning och mastering så är det sannolikt Kasper Randler du kommer arbeta med. Med lång erfarenhet av att arbeta nära med artister och en imponerande mängd utbildningar i ryggen så hjälper Kasper dig genom projektet på ett sätt som både utvecklar och inspirerar.
Boka studiotidUtforska KMR Studios
Dolby Atmos
Vi är en av få studios i Sverige som är certifierade att arbeta i framtidens ljudformat, Dolby Atmos. Vi är även en av få studios i världen som i samtliga av våra produktions- och mixprojekt arbetar i Dolby Atmos. Det gör att alla våra klienter, stora som små, alltid får sina projekt levererade i både stereo och Dolby Atmos. Vi är än så länge ensamma om att erbjuda detta utan extra kostnad.
Mer om KMR Studios
Vill du veta mer om vilka vi är innan du bestämmer dig för att arbeta med oss? Det låter klokt. På den här sidan kan du läsa mer om oss som jobbar på KMR Studios.