Songwriter's Day – A Full Day for Songwriters

Songwriter’s Day is a concept developed by KMR Studios. It is meant to promote the creation of new collaborations and songs. During a full day in our new studio in Uppsala, Simon Forslund and Rasmus Bilow will work together with 6 songwriters/artists. These songwriters will then be divided into two groups. After this, you will write songs together with the support of Simon and Rasmus. We invite you to join us here in this Songwriter’s day at KMR Studios!

Schedule for the Day

10.00: Introductions, you are divided into groups.
10.30: Songwriting.
13.00: Lunch break! (KMR gets you food from Foodora at no additional cost) and you show your songs for the other group.
14.00: Songwriting.
16.00: Demonstration of what was accomplished during the day. 

17.00: Done for the day!

The goal is to complete 2-3 song lyrics per group. Simon/Rasmus will then help you create a simple demo production. No prior knowledge or preparation is required for this songwriter’s day at KMR studios!



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