Fritiof & Britt

"It's amazing to truly experience this moment. What happiness!"
- Fritiof & Britt

A creative duo

Fritiof & Britt are a creative duo involved in various artistic endeavors, and recently, they have chosen to focus more of their time on expressing themselves through music. In their songwriting, they draw inspiration from nature and the forest, which they have the privilege of having access to right behind their house. What a luxury!

The driving force behind their desire to create music is primarily joy. They find it fun to make music, plain and simple. Their goal is to share that joy with as many people as possible and, above all, to continue creating new music.

The couple made their debut with the single "Dansa i skogen" (Dance in the Forest) in March 2023. The beautiful vocals were performed by Biim Frischenfeldt and recorded by Rasmus Bilow at KMR Studios. Rasmus also produced and mixed the project, showcasing their collaborative effort.


Released via KMR Studios