
For professionals and beginners

We at KMR Studios are constantly striving to make it easier for everyone to share their music. That’s one of the many reasons why we’re sharing these free guides and tips with you. The guides can contain everything from release strategies to geek info on compressors in Logic Pro X. Browse around and see what you want to know more about. If you have any questions or concerns, we warmly encourage you to contact us!

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5 Clippers taking your mix to new heights

Are you not sure what Clipper to use when mixing and mastering your music? We [...]

Mastering Vocal Harmonies

Read more about what strategies you could use to learn more about, and eventually master, [...]

Export master files from Atmos projects in Logic Pro

This article gives you detailed information on how to export master files from Logic Pro [...]

Mixing in Dolby Atmos: Workflow from start to finish

Do you want to work with Atmos in Logic? Curious about how to efficiently work [...]

Difference between Single, EP and Album

Thinking of releasing your music? Perhaps the first question is should you release a single, [...]

Optimize your YouTube channel

Are you thinking of starting a YouTube channel for your music? Here you can read [...]

Top 7 Music Scholarships to Apply For

We give you a list of 7 music scholarships to apply for if you are [...]

Music Streaming Services With Dolby Atmos Support

Want to take you music streaming experience to the next level? This article gives you [...]

Movie and Series Streaming Platforms With Dolby Atmos Support

Information for those who want to know more about Dolby Atmos and which film/series streaming [...]

Reach Out To Influencers With SubmitHub

Do you want your music to go viral? You can reach out to influencers with [...]

What is a good tube microphone?

Read about the extensive test of various tube microphones we conducted in collaboration with Uppsala [...]

Create and Optimize: Your Spotify Profile

Your Spotify profile is the first impression potential fans get of you when looking up [...]

Create and Optimize Your TikTok Profile

TikTok, the platform where you can go from totally unknown to viral overnight. To increase [...]

Music Collaborations

This article is about music collaborations, where we talk about how beneficial this can be, [...]